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How to Appeal a Medicaid Denial

Attorneys for Medicaid Denials

When you need long-term care in a nursing facility, the costs can be overwhelming. While Medicaid Long-Term Care benefits may be available to help cover your expenses, the application process is often difficult and confusing. At Otte & Czajkowska, LLC, we help aging individuals and their families with Medicaid planning and applying for benefits, but we realize that many people apply on their own before seeking help from an attorney. Unfortunately, even the smallest mistake during the application process can result in the denial of the benefits you need.

Attorneys Michael A. Otte and Izabela Czajkowska are experienced Medicaid lawyers with the knowledge and experience to help you and your family address your elder law and estate planning needs. Our team is equipped to help determine what led to the denial of Medicaid benefits and to assist you in appealing the determination.

Lawyers Protecting Your Rights in Niles and Norridge

Many individuals apply for Medicaid Long-Term Care Benefits with the help of a caseworker at a government agency or a nursing facility. While caseworkers may be familiar with most of Medicaid's rules, regulations, and guidelines, they are often dealing with many applicants at once and may not have the time to provide the attention to detail that is vital for a successful application. If you went through a caseworker for your initial application, there are many reasons why your application may have been denied. A miscommunication between you and your caseworker could have resulted in lost documents, missed deadlines, and the lack of required information. It is also possible that the person who reviewed your application did not do so properly.

In some cases, it may be possible to resolve your denial without the need for a formal appeal. Our skilled attorneys will review your case and your application, looking for any rectifiable errors. If a formal appeal is necessary, we will aggressively advocate on your behalf so that you can get the benefits and care that you need.

Preventing Medicaid Denials

At Otte & Czajkowska, LLC, we offer comprehensive Medicaid planning services to help clients prepare for the application process. Through the use of instruments such as supplemental needs trusts, irrevocable trusts, and OBRA trusts, your assets can be protected without jeopardizing your Medicaid eligibility. We can also help you locate and organize all of the documents you will need before you begin your application so that you can complete the process more efficiently.

Polish-Speaking Lawyer for Medicaid Concerns

It can be very difficult for the average person to determine exactly why their Medicaid application was denied. Those who do not speak English as a first language may find it virtually impossible to do so. At our firm, we have a Polish-speaking attorney as a member of our team who offers Polish-language elder law and estate planning services—including the appeal of Medicaid denials—to the Polish-speaking members of our community.

Call 773-631-7100 Today

If your application for Medicaid Long-Term Care benefits has been denied, we can help. Contact our office to schedule a confidential consultation today. Call 773-631-7100 for an appointment. Our firm serves clients throughout the northwest side of Chicago, including the neighborhoods of Jefferson Park, Elmwood Park, Morton Grove, Niles, Edgebrook, Edison Park, and Harwood Heights.

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Otte & Czajkowska, LLC
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